Saturday, July 30, 2011

Freezer Pickles

The cucumbers are starting to come in, in our little Square Foot Garden!  Exciting!  So today I decided to make Freezer Pickles, using the recipe found HERE.  I used 3 good sized cucumbers and 1/2 sweet onion, so I cut the recipe down to about 1/3 or 1/2.

You cut up the cukes and onions, salt them, and let them sit for 3 hours.  You also mix up the brine and let it sit for 3 hours.  The above is vinegar, sugar, spices, etc.

Then you drain and rinse the cucumbers well.

Then mix the cukes and the brine well.

It made enough to divide between these three little containers.

And now I have three little containers of pickles in the freezer!  Can't wait to give them a try.  Any one can do this.  So easy.  The June Cleaver in me was so happy to have gotten this accomplished...altho I was wearing shorts and was barefoot instead of pearls and heels.  :)



  1. What a cool idea. Hah - I had to giggle at your comment about wearing shorts and being barefoot. I wonder how many real women cooked in pearls in high heels? I am def. more casual than that. :)

    If you’d like, I wanted to invite you to share your best recipes over at my new party, Recipe Sharing Monday at Jam Hands. I’m going to be featuring my favorite submissions during the week and I’d love it if you’d join in the fun. :O)

  2. I read Ali's post...Isn't the name "Jam Hands" so adorable??!

    This recipe sounds very easy and yummy!

  3. I have never made freezer pickles! Definately faster than my 14 day pickle! These look so good :)

  4. my mom just gave me a ton of cucumbers from her overflowing garden. this sound like a great way to use them!
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. We thawed some of the pickles tonight and had them. I was very pleased with how yummy they were!! Hurray! So easy!!


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