Thursday, November 4, 2010

My 'Sun' Room

When we first looked at this house in Evansville back in March, I immediately fell in love with this bedroom. It was green. Big window. 10 foot ceiling. White woodwork. I could picture it as our Den/Guest Room...but really it would be MY hang out room. I had a very happy feel about it!

Now that we are all settled in, it is still my favorite room! And I can tell that I shall really love it this winter because the morning sun streams in and makes it so warm and cozy. This morning I wished for time to just lay on the futon and soak up the warm sun (Chilly weather has def. arrived down south here!)
When we decided on this house, I also visualized myself in this cheery room having my morning time with the Lord. And that's exactly what I do.
Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks this room is warm and cheery. :)


  1. My, mom! Your photography is beautiful. Especially that last picture. Looks magazine ready! The lighting is just magical and perfect.... ooh it looks cozy. I want to curl up on the futon with you and blog hop and find crafts and have a printer ready to print all our ideas and neatly file them in our idea books. Such a cute roomy, Momma... I will come visit it soon. :)

  2. Yes, this room is definitely cheery. You and Gracie shall make many warm and cozy memories in there this winter!


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