Sunshine. Green Grass. Flowers. Walks in the neighborhood. Spring weather can't get here (and stay here!) fast enough. About 3 days a week, we have amazing weather and those walks can happen. But the other 4 days are still chilly, cloudy, and often wet.
But Spring did come to stay in my home today. Yippee! I redid the door decor, mantelscape, and my 2 drawer-scapes for Spring. So come on in, and enjoy the warmth and cheer. |
I made a little spring bunting one day recently from vintage book pages and some Dollar Tree seed packets. Love it against my green front door. |
The mantle is dressed in pinks and greens, along with another handmade bunting, fashioned from journaling cards, vintage book pages, and various ephemera. |
I can't seem to grow succulents, even though they say they are easy. So I bought one from the Hobby Lobby floral department and am excited to have it to enjoy. The china pieces are all from different people and places...Homer Laughlin Dogwood teacup from a favorite flea market, a sweet Bavarian creamer from my mom in law, and the beautiful teapot from England was a gift from my neighbor. The pink depression glass plates belonged to my best friend's mother, and the pink church plate came from the flea market. I love churches. |
Not sure what I love more in this drawer...the Fire King teacup, my handmade candle in a vintage jello mold, the lamb candle from my grandson's first birthday cake, or the photo of my darling granddaughter 2 years ago this weekend. |
This drawer is not dressed as a showpiece, but I enjoy it by the door to the backyard. Each piece is either vintage or one of my favorite things. Even that tiny paper birdie is made from a vintage book page. |
So from birdie and I...Welcome sweet spring time!
Donna |