I get an allowance every month. : ) I'm a stay-at-home-mom and home school teacher, so I don't have opportunity to make much 'mad money' but I do give myself a monthly allowance which I can spend on anything I want. Not alot...$20 a month is plenty b/c we have other money set aside for clothes, shoes, outings, etc. So being a simple girl that doesn't need alot to be happy, $20 is plenty. At Sam's Club, I recently found the perfect thing to spend 1/2 of my allowance on. The cutest Carry All Tote. It folds up all small like this:
It is kept together for storage by these snaps. |
The snaps undo... |
And the little beauty unfolds.... |
Til she looks like this! |
Sturdy, beautiful, and so so roomy. |
There's even a little zippered pocket for small, important things such as money or jewelry. |
I bought this tote specifically for taking toiletries on road trips. I like to take all my comforts from home and they are tall and bulky. |
Wow...OTC meds, toiletries, and my blow dryer are already in and there is still plenty of room for my makeup bag. |
Gracie, our dog, approves! |
I love it! Right now, she is storing vintage books in our bedroom. She's too cute to put away in between trips. :) She'd be great for toting craft projects, baby supplies, and more.
Girls, this is a great gift idea for the holidays! I hope Sam's Club still has them!
Thanks for stopping by!
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