Let me introduce you to one of my favorite kitchen tools. A chopper/cutter/mixer thing.
It makes nice, quick work out of homemade salsa or Pico de Gallo. (Hope I spelled that right. Too tired to check.) Cut your peppers, onions, and tomatoes into one inch chunks and pop into a good sized bowl. The cutter/chopper/thing scoops up the veggies and with a scissor like motion it cuts them into smaller pieces. You continue to cut until the veggies are the size that you desire. See the delicious juicy garden ripened tomatoes?! Thank the Lord for friends with gardens! Chop, chop, chop. I can smell the cilantro and lime juice! In just a few minutes of time, I have a bowl full of fresh Pico. My tongue is sweating just thinking about the treat in store for my mouth with some grilled fajitas in just a bit. Do you like my favorite gadget? Christmas is coming and this would be a fun thing to add to your gift idea list! Pampered Chef makes them but I got mine at Bed, Bath, and Beyond (with a coupon) for about $15.